Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. So why did you do all of this?
  2. So, who exactly are you?
  3. What else have you done in the RPG industry?
  4. Where did you get all of your ideas for The Kyngdoms?
  5. Has The Kyngdoms been published anywhere else, other than online?
  6. What software did you use to draw the map with?
  7. Who did the cartography for The Kyngdoms?
  8. Who designed The Kyngdoms website?
  9. How do you pronounce the word [insert word of your choice here]?
  10. I have found a spelling/grammar/other error on the website. What should I do about it?
  11. So why is all this free - why not sell it, like everyone else?
  12. What do you mean by free exactly?
  13. If it's free, does that mean all the artwork is free as well?
  14. Can I use some of the artwork on my website?
  15. Who owns all the artwork displayed on the website?
[1] Why did you do all of this?
I have no idea. It all started because I was going to do an online magazine. I thought that adding a fantasy setting world would be cool, so I started to work on one. It didn't take long before the magazine idea died and the setting become my single focus.

[2] So, who exactly are you?
Just somebody who put together a fantasy world and stuck it on online. Nothing more to be said really.

[3] What else have you done?
I am a web designer by trade and a wannabe photographer and writer. Of course, in relation to the last two, it might help if I actually, you know, did some writing and photography!

[4] Where do you get all of your ideas for The Kyngdoms?
That's impossible to say. I use real history as a starting point for most things - it's far more incredible and varied than any fantasy histories! I then amalgamate those features which I like into the ideas I have floating around in my head. If the idea seems to work, I expand it a little and then some more. Those ideas which work I keep and work on. Those that don't, I reject. Of course, whether or not the ones I decide are good or bad, or are the right ones, I leave entirely up to you to decide.

[5] Has The Kyngdoms been published anywhere else, other than online?
It is my intention to make The Kyngdoms available as both a book and e-book. I'll let you know as soon as it's available.

[6] What software did you use to draw the map with?
The map was drawn in Photoshop. A "palette" of objects was designed and then painstakingly applied to the map. It took, literally, months and underwent a number of incarnations before it was complete (well, two major ones).

[7] Who did the cartography for The Kyngdoms?
Me. To date, I've done all the map design.

[8] Who designed The Kyngdoms website?
So, like, that would be me again. I am a web designer by trade. You decide whether I'm any good or not!

[9] How do you pronounce the word [insert word of your choice here]?
If I did a FAQ for how all things in The Kyngdoms are pronounced, I wouldn't have time to do anything else. However, I did put this pronunciation guide together, which may or may not be of any use.

[10] I have found a spelling/grammar/other error on the website. What should I do about it?
Either email me or just let me know on our blog and I'll go fix it.

[11] So why is all this free - why not sell it, like everyone else?
I do intend to sell it - though it will always be available for free online. As to why - just because. I like it that way.

[12] What do you mean by free exactly?
Free in this case means free for your personal use, but not to otherwise use it without our permission. See here for more details.

[13] If it's free, does that mean all the artwork is free as well?
None of the artwork used here at The Kyngdoms is free for your use as it is either owned by The Kyngdoms or by some other party. The use of any image from this site is illegal.

[14] Can I use some of the artwork on my website?
You cannot use any of the artwork displayed at The Kyngdoms without gaining our specific permission. Anybody caught doing so without having first asked our permission will be asked to remove the images from their site (or product). Should you ask for permission, please do not be offended when we say no.

[15] Who owns all the artwork displayed on the website?
The majority of the artwork used on The Kyngdoms website is owned by The Kyngdoms. Some is owned by Image Portfolio © Louise Porter, Jr. Design. None of the artwork can be used without the express permission of the owner.

The Kyngdoms

The Kyngdoms © 2005-2025