Terms of Use

The Kyngdoms is offered as a free-of-charge online service. By free, we mean that you are not required to pay a fee to use the material published on this website for personal use. Permission to reproduce or use any copyrighted material contained herein in any way other than that outlined below is not granted.

What we DO give you permission to do
The Kyngdoms allows you the right to print out and use the material presented on this website, in part or in whole, for your own personal and private use. The Kyngdoms retains full copyright and ownership of all material and Product Identity (PI), as well as over Trademarks, images (that are owned by The Kyngdoms) and all aspects of this product.

What we DON'T give you permission to do
You are not entitled to reproduce any part of this website or its content, for any purpose, other than for personal and private use, without the specific permission of The Kyngdoms. Publication of the material presented here is strictly prohibited in any form. This includes such mediums as paper publishing, pdf, ebooks, web publishing or any other form of media which is not for your personal use only.

The Kyngdoms retains full copyright and ownership over all the material presented on this website. This includes PI, Trademarks and images (that are owned by The Kyngdoms). Although the use of the material presented here is free of charge, this in no way infringes upon The Kyngdoms' right of ownership and affords you no further rights than outlined here.

Should you be uncertain of your rights, or wish clarification on any matter concerning the copyright and ownership of any aspect of The Kyngdoms, please contact thekyngdoms@keithrobinson.me. We will be only too happy to help where we can.

The Kyngdoms

The Kyngdoms © 2005-2025