
Human Humans are the most numerous race on Arrasia, with their numbers in the many millions. Short lived, in comparison to some other races, but full of endeavor, ingenuity and determination, humans are the great enigmas, with the capacity for both great good and immense evil. This dilemma is the lot of all humans, as forged in their making, and the path they follow is either that placed in their heart by Voln, their creator, or that placed their by Shylar, their savior.

Created by Voln as a gift for Kavak, humans were a ruse whose hearts were filled with Voln's evil who would rally to her when she called them and kill Kavak and his beloved dwarves. However, before her evil creations were complete, Shylar came to them and imbued into their hearts goodness, which would challenge the evil upon the calling of Voln. And when men awoke and were called by Voln to her side, to fight as her minions, so the great challenge of all mankind was awoken and while many chose the evil path, so many also chose the good path and there was war amongst them.

Thus was the challenge of men's hearts set, for all eternity; a challenge that every human struggles with all the days of their lives, drawn between the call of Voln's evil and Shylar's goodness.

The Battle of Lima, which saw Dyonicos crush Graxber and destroy the wondrous citadel, saw many dwarves retreat deep into the darkness far below the surface of Arrasia, while the humans who had chosen the path of good, alongside the dwarves who had chosen to remain, took on the might of Dyonicos as his armies smashed through the doors of Lima and set upon their rampage, easily defeating those that opposed them. However, as men fled the battlefield, so they were scattered across the plains of Arrasia and the seeds of their future sowed.

The scattering of men saw the tree of the human race divided into many branches. Taking on nomadic lifestyles and in a constant struggle against the men who had chosen the evil path, as well as all manner of other beasts that now filled Arrasia, different cultures and customs emerged between the tribes of men, as geography, climate and their relationships with other tribes and races saw distinct cultures emerge.

History has seen the waning and waxing of these cultures at different intervals, and some - indeed many - have been lost to time, victims of the harsh world in which they lived. However, those cultures that have survived have played a central role in the development of the nations of men and the world in which they now live.

Humans come in all shapes and sizes and only rarely are two alike. They can be anywhere from 5 feet to 6-1/2 feet tall and can weigh in from a slight 100 pounds through to an impressive 250 pounds, though most average somewhere in the middle. Skin color varies from very dark in the south to very pale in the north and hair varies just as much. Humans speak a wide range of languages and many are multi-lingual.

Human Homelands
Humans are numerous and their ingenuity has seen them adapt to nearly all the challenges they have faced. After the great scattering of humans after the fall of Lima, humans slowly began to settle the land and claim it as their own and nations began to emerge. It has always been in the heart of men to covet that which does not belong to them and the fight land has been amongst the fiercest, with wars common and the rise and fall of great powers stemming from it.

The nations of men come in all shapes and sizes and the people of each nation usually share a common heritage and culture, especially those who can trace their history way back. Many modern nations are amalgams of ancient cultures, long since conquered, but whose culture still lingers on in some fashion, and internal tension is common, as is civil strife. Wars are commonplace between the nations and old allies can quickly become new enemies and vice versa.

The human nations are primarily located around central Arrasia, but have steadily pushed into the wild and barbarian lands as the desire to conquer and settle continues to drive humans further and further into unchartered lands. These border areas are often chaotic places where life is hard and short, but where wealth, power and, of course, land, are the prize. It is the nature of humans to desire all the land and to fight for it when they must, and so it will always be.

Human Politics and Society
With so many diverse human cultures, the way they choose to structure their societies is wide and varied. The dominant political structure of Arrasia is a hereditary monarch who wields absolute power and authority over their people. Most are supported by a system of nobility, who are themselves often descended from the royal line and who execute the monarch's will. Tension and political intrigue are common, especially at the passing of power to a new monarch. However, there are also many other forms of political structures, ranging from dictators in the form of emperors through to partial and universal suffrage.

The lot of the people is almost entirely dependent upon those that rule them. For some, life is harsh and short and they have little value, while for others life is an opportunity and their value in society is high. For those whose lot is hard, it is not uncommon for them to revolt and civil strife erupt as a consequence, though they tend to be violent and short-lived affairs, often with little or no impact. But on occasions revolts have led to political change and the emergence of a new political structure - though not one always for the better!

Human Genealogy
Aramesse: The Aramesse are primarily located in The Great Jungle and in Jerad and Nizhst, where they hunt and forage for their living. Although wild and warrior-like, they are nonetheless an extremely versatile and clever people who live under the glare of the sun and in exceptionally humid conditions. Many of the Aramesse tribes have in recent times been enslaved by Hith and forced west into Hithanon and West Hithanon, where life is harsh and usually short.

Crothurmians: An offshoot of the Thurmian branch, they are paler, taller and stockier, though retain the Thurmian's quick temper. The Crothurmians are mostly wild and nomadic, found across the lands of U'Thol, HuriGhol, Yarasal J'naria, and throughout the south of The Northern Territories. In more recent years, Crothurmians began to settle and cities emerged on the coastlines of U'Thol, causing a rift with their wild ancestors. This settling has been largely curtailed by the rise of Zykerathox and the coming of his armies to that region, however.

Datians: A hardy and intelligent people, the Datians are an offshoot of the Farasians and are scattered throughout the eastern plains of Farashar and Urgolia, where they have long since been subjugated by the Urgolians, and Fenoria, where they remain as nomadic tribes. Datians are generally pale, with wiry hair, high cheekbones and a firmly set square jaw. They are closely related to the Farasians, Teschenians and Urgolians, who are all offshoots from the same branch.

Eppenesse: Within the genealogical tree, the Eppenesse are a young branch, having become distinct enough from the Urilians to be considered a separate and unique people. They dominate much of the Falagrim Peninsula, though are concentrated in Eppen. They can also be found in Palanar and Zaramal. With golden brown skin, light hair and lithe frames, the Eppenesse are an attractive, highly adaptable and clever people who are renown for their calm and thoughtfulness.

Farasians: Once a powerful force in the east, the Farasians have dwindled in number and significance since the coming of the Urgolians, who have both defeated and subjugated them. Primarily found in Farashar and Hagaard, they can also be found in Urgolia and, sparingly, in Teschenia and Fenoria. They are closely related to the Datians, Teschenians and Urgolians, who are all offshoots from the same branch. They mostly resemble the Datians, though their jaws are less pronounced and they are generally taller and stockier.

Karn Wizard Karns: Along with the Norvs, the Karns are the most powerful of the human branches. Tall and dark haired, with golden tanned skin, the Karns are a dynamic people, highly organized and determined. Karnish is the spiritual homeland of all Karns, but they can be found all along the south, wherever the Karnish empire extends to, and even amongst the Yads in the lands that once formed the mighty nation of Amman, though not in any great numbers. To the north, The Northern Territories is largely populated with Karns.

Kerians: An ancient people, the Kerians can now only be found in the east of Syrámä, a nation made up of many different and ancient branches of man, but now dominated by the Syrámesse. Short in stature and pale, Kerians have beautiful piercing blue eyes and high brows. Natural hunters and farmers, the Kerians are very social and well known for their constitution and longevity.

Magasoans: An offshoot of the Urilians, the Magasoans are tall and powerfully built. They are found almost solely in Magasoa. They are an aggressive people, well known for their bad temper and the evil that runs through them. They despise the Urilians, Yamites, Eppenesse and Syrámesse, with whom they make constant war. The Magasoans were well-respected allies of the Yad people when Amman reigned supreme over the races of men and were considered amongst their best troops - although not tactically astute, their natural aggression and love of combat make them formidable opponents.

Norvs: The Norvs came to Arrasia with Uther after their escape from Herophet and settled in Norvsond, where they remain to this day. Tall and powerfully built, this fierce people have wild and bushy hair, often brown, and sport ragged and unkempt beards. They are also known for their large noses and generally unattractive appeal. A people of explorers, the Norvs rank as amongst the best seafarers in Arrasia and have populated much of the north. The Norvs can be found in Nÿgamär, Hjothdal, Angor, Elminn, Hardale, Yerad, Adoria, Rysor, Ord and along the coastlines of The North Lands, The Badlands and The Savage Coast.

Nutharians: The wild tribes of the Nutharians are commonly found in the jungles that can be found to the south east of Karnish, but especially in Femmen Thirl. They can also be found in the large expanse of savanna that consumes much of that wild and untamed land. Natural hunters and warriors, the Nutharians live away from the civilizations of men and instead choose to live in the harsh environment of lands largely unknown.

Sárations: Once a mighty people who dominated the peoples of mid-Arrasia in ancient times, the Sárations were crushed by the Yads and are now found almost exclusively in western Syrámä. Taller and more elegant than the Syrámesse, the Sárations are excellent with animals and make exceptional riders. They remain an arrogant breed of people, despite their decline, and tend to look down upon their Syrámesse cousins.

Syrámesse: With long blonde hair, attractive green eyes and well defined features, the Syrámesse are an attractive people, but tend to be physically frail and awkward. However, despite their awkwardness, the Syrámesse are a brave and tough people, not easily scared or driven from their homes. Bright and with a quick eye for a bargain, they make excellent traders and have excelled in the post-Amman era, where trade and opportunity has been key to their rise. They are found throughout Syrámä, which they share with a number of other human branches, and can also be found in Orith, Palanar and Zaramal.

Teschenians: Originating from the same branch as the Datians, Farasians and Urgolians, the Teschenians are tall and powerful, with wiry hair and pronounced cheek bones. They can be found in Hagaard, Farashar, Urgolia and Fenoria, but are primarily concentrated in Teschenia. A generally peaceful people, the Teschenians have fallen under the control of the Urgolians, who dominate the east with their warlike culture.

Thurmians: Tanned and healthy looking, the Thurmians are primarily centered in and around Badathur, including northern Karnish, and what was once Yeod, Ghent, Eastdale and Vidor (all of which are now part of The Fallen Lands), where they are found in their greatest numbers, but they can be found almost anywhere throughout the south. They are an aggressive, warlike people, quick to temper and explode in an outburst of violence. Their lineage can be traced back to when Uther brought peace to the south lands in the ancients days, when they were the dominant people of the south. In more recent years, their numbers have declined since their lands fell to the armies of Zykerathox.

Urgolians: The dominant people of the east, the Urgolians are warlike and aggressive. Tall, powerfully built, with wild ragged hair and beards, they are superb horsemen and instill fear into the heart of their enemies as they thunder by on their magnificent horses. The Urgolians can be found throughout Farashar, Hagaard and Teschenia, but mostly around Urgolia itself. They are closely related to the Datians, Farasians and Teschenians, who are all offshoots from the same branch.

Urilians: The Urilians were once a powerful race of men, but have dwindled over time. However, still numerous in number, they can be found in Yam, their traditional heartland, Orith, Palanar and Zaramal. They can also be found, though not in any great number, in the Falagrim Peninsula and Syrámä.

Yads: Once the most powerful people on Arrasia, the Yads imposed their evil regime under the banner of Amman that, at its height, was the largest empire ever seen. The Yads are a ferocious and extremely aggressive and evil people who are largely centered around Amman and those nations that once formed a part of their evil nation, but have fell under Karnish control after their defeat. They can also be found in Magasoa and Uradun, both of which became places of retreat for the fleeing Yads after the fall of their empire. However, such was the scale of their empire that Yads can be found almost anywhere, though never in great numbers and nearly always as despised outcasts.

Yamites: Cousins to the Urilians, the Yamites have emerged as the dominant people of Yam and Orith, where they live peacefully alongside the Urilians. Some Yamites can also be found in Palanar. Shorter than the Urilians and less aggressive, the Yamites have adapted quickly to the new world, embracing the new opportunities it has to offer. Quick to adapt to every situation, the Yamites have flourished in the post-Amman era.

Yarasians: The Yarasians are predominantly found in the southern lands of the Karnish empire - Fenn, Borodor, Ormex and Yarath. They have also spread as far east as The League of Ordwyn and are numerous in number in Gorind. Dark skinned, tall and athletic, the Yarasians are a proud people who have allowed civil strife to ravage and split them.

The Kyngdoms

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