The Languages of Arrasia

Wizard in libraryArrasia is rich in both history and culture and the ability to communicate has been essential in the development of the world's nations and races. Every race has its own language, from the harsh and base language of the orcs and goblins to the rich and melodic tones of the elves and expressive vocabulary of humans. Cultures are often cemented through the commonality of their language and this is often the wellspring from which flows a people's sense of belonging and identity.

Although a race may share a commonality of language, different tribes often speak a variety that is unique to them or their geographic location. For instance, the orc tribes everywhere speak Orc, but no one tribe speaks it exactly the same, with unique syntax, emphasis or pronunciation, and often even words that have been amalgamated from other, usually local, languages. These differences, however, are not enough to stop orcs communicating amongst themselves as the fundamentals of their language and culture remain a common bond between them.

The human race, however, shares no such commonality, for their history has been divisive since before they even woke and walked upon the lands of Arrasia. As such, as human cultures have emerged so have the languages that have driven them. Many cultures are now lost to history and with them disappeared all trace of their existence, including language, but some have survived to this day and others have appeared to replace those now extinct. As such humans, unlike any other race, have distinct national languages, though many share the same roots and as such have some similarities.

The ability to communicate with other peoples is an essential skill. However, the need for multi-lingual skills will be entirely dependent upon the amount of traveling done. Most people remain forever in their own corner of the world, with only the bravest or most foolhardy prepared to explore the wider world. Occasionally, however, speaking a certain language in a particular place can have less than the desired effect. Speaking Karnish in Amman, for example, will likely lead to a public lynching or worse!

In Arrasia, although there is no common human language, Karnish is the most widely spoken tongue in Arrasia, as it is considered the language of trade and high culture and is the nearest thing to a common language amongst humans. However, many people isolated from contact with Karnish have no understanding of it, or any desrie to do so.

In the underworld of Arrasia, under the vast mountain ranges where many of the darkest and foulest creatures live, a common language of sorts has emerged in the form of Xamian. Many regional and racial dialects exist and communication is not always as smooth as it could be, but nonetheless this harsh and guttural language acts as a way for the many denizens of the underworld to communicate amongst themselves, even if only to declare war!

Human Languages of The Kyngdoms
Aish The language of Amman, Aish is despised throughout Arrasia. It is now mostly confined to Amman and Magasoa, though some Amman sects scattered throughout Arrasia still maintain Aish as a secret language.
Annasse The natural language of Zaramal and Palanar, where it is the national language, it is spoken little elsewhere. It has some popularity among the people of the Falagrim Peninsula (Istenpur, Kalder and Hatham), but this tends to be in geographic pockets. This is an historical consequence of the migrations that occurred during the Age of Amman. Certainly anyone of consequence in Zaramal and Palanar will additionally speak Karnish.
Eppish Due to the Eppen resistance of Amman, it has retained much of its ancient culture undiluted and hence Eppish is almost the sole language spoken there. Most nobles and merchants will also speak Karnish, but the peasantry will almost certainly only speak Eppish. It is also spoken throughout the Falagrim Peninsula.
Karnish The most widely spoken language, Karnish is the language of trade and currency, as well as high culture and status. Merchants and nobles everywhere are likely to speak at least a smattering of Karnish, excepting those based in countries that are sworn enemies or isolated. The Northern Territories and The League of Ordwyn both speak Karnish as their national language, as did many of the nations that now form part of The Fallen Lands. Even orcs and goblins and the like are likely to speak some Karnish. East of The Golden Peaks, Karnish is hardly known.
Kerlasian Spoken by only a scattering of people in the east of Syrámä, Kerlasian is nonetheless popular amongst what was once the nation of Keralasia - an ancient civilization that passed into the realms of history long ago - and where many ancient customs have been maintained.
Kerd An ancient and little spoken tongue, mainly confined to the residence of the Kera Desert. Its roots can be traced back to the ancient elves of Layagat, but which was severely corrupted by the keradinn who maintain it as their own language.
Magasoan Along with Aish, Magasoan is an ancient language spoken widely in Magasoa. It is not spoken anywhere else.
Noroven The language of Norvsond and the Norv people, Noroven is spoken widely throughout the northern nations. Due to the various nautical explorations of the Norvs, the language has become the common language for the small pockets of hardy people that have settled on The Savage Coast, The Bad Lands and The North Lands.
Rhuven Rhuven is a written language only, using runes and symbols with which to communicate. There are many variants to Rhuven, some well known, others not so. It is hugely popular amongst the northern lands and dwarves, and the more enlightened amongst the barbarian tribes also use Rhuven.
Sárian Only spoken by a scattering of people in the west fringes of Syrámä, Sárian is an ancient language of a once great nation long since destroyed.
Syramesse The national language of Syrámä, Syramesse is an ancient tongue that has survived many attempts to suppress it. Karnish is spoken widely amongst the nobles and the merchant classes, but hardly at all amongst the general populace. However, although it is the national language, it stills competes with several ancient tongues (Sárian and Kerlasian) which are spoken by some of the population.
Teschenian The national language of Teschenia, it is spoken little outside of that country. Teschenian is a dying language, being superseded by Urgolian.
Ural The national language of Yam, Orith and Hanai, Ural is an ancient tongue which survived the Amman oppression, when it was outlawed. Although Karnish is spoken by the merchant classes, the people are very protective and proud of their own language and the majority of the population know nothing else.
Urgolian The common language east of The Golden Peaks, Urgolian is a harsh language spoken by harsh people who live in a harsh environment.
Xamian The nearest thing to a common language the chaos of the underworld has, Xamian is a stuttering, guttural language whose origins are believed to stem from Xagraxsus himself. Nearly all regions have their own dialect, which can make communication unpredictable and confusing.
Yait Yait is a catchall description of the main form of communication between the barbarian tribes. No single clan, group, tribe or village speak the language exactly the same and sometimes communication is impossible. However, the structure is such that, mostly, a basic form of communication can be undertaken and understood. Unlike all the other languages of Arrasia, it has no linguistic structure and hence has no written form.
The Kyngdoms

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