
- Area Square Miles: 75,000
The rough area in square miles of that nation.
- Population: 1,575,000 (21/sq. mile)
The total population, including all significant humanoid races, plus the average population per square mile.
- Racial Balance: Human (63%), Goblin (12%), Mongrols (5%), Elves (3%), Lizardfolk (3%), Orc (3%), Halfling (2%), Dwarves (2%), Gnomes (2%), Other (5%)
The details of all the major races of that country, as a percentage of the total population.
- Capital City: Faybar (pop. 18,000)
The capital city of that country, if it has one, along with its population.
- Government: Monarchy
The political structure for that nation, if any. This will be one of: autocracy, confederation, democracy, despotism, dictatorship, imperial, monarchy, oligarchy, republic or tribal. By far, the most common form of government is monarchy.
- World View: aggressive / expansionist, militaristic
The attitude of each nation toward its neighbors (passive, defensive or aggressive) and a number of terms that best sum that nation up (ie agricultural, nomadic, seafaring, wild, etc). Each nation can have one or more such terms, but will only ever have one attitude.
- Religion: Arak Kal, Aruthane, Narag Narg, Nendagon, Pith, Yerraz; Babbarax, Gygafrak, Zykerathox; Naberru; Ney Allond, Tannun Maruth; Zidodd; Ragmannon, Xagraxsus; Olgden, Thim; Destor, Graxber, Kavak; Gungorn
The main gods esteemed by that nation. The list reflects the racial balance statistics (see above); so if humans are the largest racial group in that nation, followed by elves and dwarves, the list of deities follwed by humans will be first, then elves and dwarves. Within this context, they are listed alphabetically. No deity is listed more than once, even if more than one racial group prays to that god (for instance, both elves and gnomes are likely to follow Ky, but it will only be listed once nonetheless).
- Languages: Aish, Magasoan, Ural
The main languages spoken by the people of that nation, listed alphabetically.
- Climate: Warm Temperate
The climate of that nation, from: arctic, continental cool summer, humid subtropical, subarctic, subtropical, temperate, tropical, warm temperate.
This small, aggressive nation has been in constant conflict with its neighbors for as long as it can remember and longs for the days when Amman ruled the world. Border wars have been common events, especially so with their long time enemy, Syrámä. Their army of humans, goblins and their dogs of war, mongrols, was highly valued by the emperors of Amman for their mobility and astonishing ferocity and superb leadership, with the best Magasoan generals raising to the most distinguished ranks in Amman itself. The degree of discipline for an army made up of large numbers of goblins is high and this is pinned entirely at the doors of the disciplinarian generals of the Magasoan army. Their mongrol army, commonly referred to as their dogs of war, are ferocious and fearless and they feared throughout Syrámä and the nations of the Triple Alliance.
Magasoa is, as might be imagined, is a highly militaristic and regimented state. The most capable of the young are selected at an early age for formal military training, with which comes great respect and social standing. Battle scars are worn proudly and to die on the battlefield is a great honor. Goblins likewise are reared young to fight with discpline and fearlessness and are an integral part of the Magasoan army, even though they are regarded as an undesirable aprt of society.
An almost perpetual state of war has existed between Magasoa and Syrámä, with battles between the two sides common occurrences, but with the reemergence of Amman Magasoa has declared outright war on it's bordering nations, Syrámä and the nations of the Triple Alliance, and has mounted regular sorties against them of increasing ferocity. They are also currently mustering their forces for a massive invasion of Syrámä, though have purposefully attempted to deceive their enemies into thinking that the invsaion will be against Yam. Preperations are well underway, with their armies being augmented by foul infernal creatures from Herophet itself, sent by Zykerathox to aid in the war effort in that region of Arrasia.
Magasoa remained one of the few nations whose culture refused to shed the influence of Amman and embraced the retreating Amman forces and humanoids when they had nowhere else to go. As such, the nation's racial make-up is mixed, with the largest population of goblins in the civilized nations. Unlike in most nations, where humanoids are regarded as a menace, in Magasoa they can often be seen mingling in populated areas and are regarded as an ordinary fact of life, much in the same way as disease, vermin and poverty aree all accepted.
Brief History
The military tradition of the Magasoans stretch back to before the Amman age, where their tactical nous and courage brought them several notable victories over superior armies. Then, as now, Magasoa often found itself in border disputes with its neighbors, its superior soldiery and military ethos often giving it an edge.
During the rise of the Amman empire, Magasoans were admirers of their culture and especially their horsed warriors, who had swept all before them, and allied themselves strongly with Amman. Throughout the period of Amman dominance in Arrasia, the soldiers of Magasoa played key roles within the Amman army and their presence on the battlefield was enough to secure some key victories that would have otherwise seemed unlikely.
A minor rebellion against King Hocfez during the height of Amman power was dealt with harshly and a purging of all political opposition during this period solidified this alliance. However, several failed campaigns to break the Eppen resistance saw the erosion of Magasoan influence within the empire, and in one of the most significant battles of the age of Amman, the Battle of Rynok, the Magasoan army was routed so completely that the dwarves of Kri Aruk gained spectacular success in smashing through the center of the Amman lines and, after several more days of fighting between the men of Eppen and the dwarves of Kri Aruk, the Amman army was defeated and forced into retreat.
Magasoa remained an important ally within Amman and their troops still had key parts to play in the war with Karnish, but never again were they relied upon so heavily by Amman. As Karnish rose and began their offensive against the evil empire, King Abdu II moved swiftly to secure his nations future, renouncing their alliance and recalling what little remained of their army. Their future secured, Magasoa took no further part in the remainder of the war and vigorously defended it's borders when required to.
Realizing their vulnerable position as old allies of the hated Amman empire, King Abdu III encouraged his people to take advantage of the great trading opportunities that existed in the new age and to show a friendly face, but his approach was not embraced and following his assassination by his brother, who took the throne as King Abdu IV, Magasoa took in Amman soldiers who had nowhere else to go and, later, the retreating humanoids chased out of Yam and the other Triple Alliance nations, and with them rebuilt their army and military reputation in a sequence of attacks on Syrámä n particular.
The wars against their neighbors have continued on and off since that time, with the money coming from their pillaging paying for the war effort, creating a catch 22 whereby the war has actually become a necessity in order to maintain the army. The strains of this policy were beginning to tell and some opposition growing amongst the ruling elite. However, the coming of Zykerathox and the reemergence of Amman quickly brought an end to any discension and Magasoa declared open war on the neighbors, throwing the region into turmoil. Although it's forces have been used to harass and raid their enemies territories, the main force is still being mustered - a vast army of humans, goblins, mongrols and all manner of other creatures, including infernal minions of Zykerathox.
The Major Towns and Cities
Faybar: (pop: 18,000) Towers of Hakkan dominate the skyline of Faybar and remain important centers for the majority of the population. Ornate arches span the clean roads, which are lined with trees and large statues of the old kings of Magasoa. The streets themselves are set out in a grid pattern and the houses and buildings are usually quite ornate, making the city quite an attractive one, though masking the ramshackle huts and poor ghettos that the majority of the population live in. The dock area has become home to many of the wealthy merchants of the city.
The Silver Guild
The Silver Guild has slowly emerged in recent years as a proactive force that represents free trade and increased ties with Karnish. They consider themselves as modern people and seek an end to the old militaristic approach of the past. For a while, they threatened to become a significant political force within Faybar, but the rise of Amman and the declaration of war saw the organization outlawed and anyone associated arrested and lost in the Magasoa prisons. Despite this, the organization has continued, though has been driven underground. There is currently something of a schism within the organization as to whether they should by loyal to their mother country, or to support those who would bring about change in Magasoa.