The Kingdom of Orith

- Area Square Miles: 155,000
The rough area in square miles of that nation.
- Population: 3,410,000 (22/sq. mile)
The total population, including all significant humanoid races, plus the average population per square mile.
- Racial Balance: Human (65%), Halfling (11%), Dwarf (10%), Elf (7%), Gnome (3%), Half-elf (1%), Other (3%)
The details of all the major races of that country, as a percentage of the total population.
- Capital City: Amwain (pop 29,500)
The capital city of that country, if it has one, along with its population.
- Government: Monarchy
The political structure for that nation, if any. This will be one of: autocracy, confederation, democracy, despotism, dictatorship, imperial, monarchy, oligarchy, republic or tribal. By far, the most common form of government is monarchy.
- World View: defensive / industrial, mercantile
The attitude of each nation toward its neighbors (passive, defensive or aggressive) and a number of terms that best sum that nation up (ie agricultural, nomadic, seafaring, wild, etc). Each nation can have one or more such terms, but will only ever have one attitude.
- Religion: Aruthane, Azerond, Fandor, Malanon, Mynax, Omuz, Pith, Rougon, Sassa, Sha Dorrain; Olgden, Thim; Destor, Graxber, Kavak; Ky, Fyfreyn, Ney Allond, Tannun Maruth, Vihahn; Firngald, Gungorn
The main gods esteemed by that nation. The list reflects the racial balance statistics (see above); so if humans are the largest racial group in that nation, followed by elves and dwarves, the list of deities follwed by humans will be first, then elves and dwarves. Within this context, they are listed alphabetically. No deity is listed more than once, even if more than one racial group prays to that god (for instance, both elves and gnomes are likely to follow Ky, but it will only be listed once nonetheless).
- Languages: Annasse, Karnish, Syramesse, Ural
The main languages spoken by the people of that nation, listed alphabetically.
- Climate: Annasse, Karnish, Syramesse, Ural
The climate of that nation, from: arctic, continental cool summer, humid subtropical, subarctic, subtropical, temperate, tropical, warm temperate.
Rising from the war torn fields of the old Amman empire, Orith emerged as an important member in the growing trade markets of the world that appeared during that period and has seen its wealth and prestige continue to rise. Rich in minerals, the dwarves of The Red Hills both mine and craft adamantine, one of the rarest of all metals. The Red Hills also produce excellent manganese and titanium rich iron ore, which is exported throughout Arrasia where it is forged into superb weapons and armor of the highest order.
Having forged a close relationship with Yam and the Freecity of Hanai, in the form of the Triple Alliance, Orith also has a close relationship with the halfling enclave of Bayfork and the elves of The Green Forest. These relationships have led to a multicultural society where elves and halflings are commonly seen in the municipal areas. Amwain, sitting at the base of The Red Hills and at the edge of The Green Forest, has grown into a significant port and stop off point in the trade routes of Arrasia. Much of the trade goods for export wind up in this excellently located city.
Since the defeat of Syrámä, who temporarily threatened the peace of the nation over a border dispute, Orith's main cause concern has been the aggressive nation of Magasoa, with whom border disputes were common where the two nations join at the western tip of the Jayd Hills. Since the rise of Amman and their alliance with Zykerathox, Magasoa declared outright war on Syrámä and the nations of the Triple Alliance, using their own alliance with Amman to launch humanoids and infernal creatures, as well as their own troops, over the Magasoan border, often across the Jayd Hills, and into Orith. Skirmishes and piched battles around the border regions are now common and becomming ever more violent affairs. The Triple Alliance nations are in the process of agreeing a military solution to the Magasoan problem and are mustering their forces in preperation to bring the Magasoan threat to an end for once and all.
The people of Orith can trace their roots back to ancient times and many of their customs have survived despite being suppressed for so long by the Amman occupation. However, they have also been heavily influenced by Karnish and have embraced many of their customs and many aspects of their culture. Although Ural is the most commonly spoken language, Karnish is spoken throughout Orith and the Karnish pantheon embraced almost completely. Due to their close proximity to Syrámä, Syramesse is also spoken in some quarters, as is Annasse, though only by those who live along the eastern borders of the country. Any vestiges of the old Amman order have long since been brushed aside, though some cults still remain, but not in any significant numbers.
Significant Trade Export
Adamantine: One of the rarest ores in Arrasia, it is mined by the dwarves of The Red Hills. Mostly, they craft this precious metal into armor and weaponry, which is transported to Amwain before being exported further a field - primarily into Karnish, where it has access to the widest markets. Some adamantine ore is also exported, though this is a specialized market as few have the skill necessary to forge the metal.
Copper Ore: Along the western fringes of the Jayd Hills, near the border with Magasoa, copper ore is abundant and mined by the small communities there. It is usually shipped on to Amwain via the Freecity of Hanai, which is considered the safest journey.
Iron Ore: Iron is common throughout Arrasia, but The Red Hills' iron ore is rich in manganese and titanium, making the steel forged with Red Hill Iron lighter and harder than usual, producing superb weapons of the highest quality. The Red Hills' iron is exported all over Arrasia and is main export of Orith.
Brief History
Establishing itself after the fall of Amman, Orith's early years were dominated by their fight to secure their national borders and exert a unified political structure upon the people of Orith, who were not used to the freedom which they had for so long been deprived. Under the iron hand of King Alfrik I and, later, his son, King Alfrik II, the disparate communities were unified and brought under a single political banner. Those that resisted were dealt with harshly.
With Yam developing at a rapid pace, conflict was inevitable during this rush for land and after several minor battles, war flared up, with the city of Hanai the center of the largest and most bloody conflicts. Both sides were determined to capture the strategically important city, yet both also had to contend with their internal political frailties. Hanai constantly fell and was retaken, until both sides, under pressure to establish control within their own borders and suppress the growing humanoid threat, were forced to sue for peace.
In an unexpected turn of events, Lord Ritchelin, one of the world's great opportunists, declared Hanai's independence as a Freecity and entered into the peace talks with Yam and Orith. This surprising move, however, allowed for peaceful negotiations to take place, with both sides recognizing Hanai's independence as a free city and setting in stone the national boundaries of their young nations.
For the following decades, Orith attempted to impose a political structure upon a suspicious people who were only used to the harsh realities of life under Amman. The task was made doubly difficult by the marauding humanoid tribes that populated the planes of Orith and whose menace was increasing. Yam, the Freecity of Hanai and Orith signed the Triple Alliance and, unified, their forces began the process of driving the humanoid threat out of their nations. After many large scale battles, the humanoids were driven back into Magasoa or the Jayd Hills.
With this threat removed from their lands, Orith set about building close ties with Karnish and used their political model as an example for their own society. With the influx in trade goods and wealth, Orith soon established itself as an important member of the trading nations, especially after the discovery of adamantine in The Red Hills by the dwarves who had been mining iron ore. This greatly increased both the reputation and wealth of Orith.
Yam's brief border dispute with Syrámä, which saw the nations of the Triple Alliance drive back the armies of Syrámä in two decisive victories, secured peace in the region with all except Magasoa, who still looked west to Amman-Mon, as it was still known then, and whose land was then, and remains now, home to the humanoids who caused so much trouble to the fledging nations of Yam and Orith. Magasoan border raids were common and problematic, but the rise of Zykerathox and unleashing of his forces against Karnish saw the old alliance with Amman reforged and Magasoa declared war on Syrámä and the nations of the Triple Alliance, emboldened with the arrival of infernal armies.
The Major Towns and Cities
Amwain: (pop: 29,500) Situated at the southern tip of The Red Hills, Amwain is a significant trading port in the Aggenbor Sea and along the trade routes of Arrasia. It grew rapidly after the establishment of Orith, but especially so wth the discovery of adamantine, which has also seen the wealth and reputation of the city rise. A bustling and lively city, Amwain is also an attractive city, with beautiful facades and columns fronting many of the significant - and even not so significant - buildings. Arches span tree-lined roads and impressive statues of the Aslah are dotted everywhere. Beautifully kept gardens are also a significant feature. The streets are generally clean, as Amwain also has an impressive sewer system that washes away the filth and helps keep down vermin and disease. However, it is not without its seedier side and both the dock and Syrámesse Quarter are rife with criminal gangs.
Arl: (pop: 15,000) This mining community has grown almost entirely around the iron which is mined in the Jayd Hills. Not only are large quantities of iron ore mined here, but it also serves the other communities of the Jayd Hills. Arl is home to a large dwarven and halfling community who play a full and significant role in the politics of the city, often leading to tensions with the humans and elves who also live here. The tight streets are dusty and hemmed in by the buildings. Filth covers the busy streets, with vermin a common problem. Despite the large size of Arl, strangers are easily picked out and are usually prey to the hive of criminal activity that Arl supports.
Hands of Phoras
A powerful and violent gang of criminals, they are feared throughout Orith, but especially in Amwain and Arl, where their influence is significant. Wealth and power are their goals and anyone who steps in their way or crosses them is likely to suffer a painful and lingering death. The Hands of Phoras are those that work for the Phoras him-or her-self, though whose exact idenity remains unknown. The structure and workings of the Hands of Phoras remains entirely unknown, as those very few that have been captured have taken their own lives rather than give away the secrets of the organization.